Popcorn Gadget - The Latest Tech Trends

Super Supp

Keeping your immune system in tip top shape is key to avoiding health complications, and you know what they say… prevention is better than the cure. Enter, Nurit—a full lung and immune system support supplement, containing ingredients from Western,...

Spa Day At Home

Yup, we feel you. We definitely miss the great outdoors and pampering sessions at the spa. What if we told you that you can get dermatologist-grade treatments from home already? Omnilux FACE™ Contour is the latest addition to the Omnilux family of...

You Need This In Your Medical Kit

As COVID-19 cases rise, the need for helpful, easy temperature-checking solutions has only increased, leaving behind a shortage of handheld thermometers available to institutions who need it most. Thankfully, Pebblebee, a longtime crowdfunding favorite, is...

An Innovation You’d Love Based On Your Zodiac Sign

In astrology, each sign is unique, with each exuding their own unique energy and hierarchy of needs. We rounded up a couple of new innovations that might appeal to you, based on your sign!Aries energy is said to be energetic, outgoing, and inspiring. This...

Fresh Garbage

A trashcan that stays fresh and clean until garbage day? It sounded impossible, until we met Petal. This beautiful innovation is a 5-gallon zero-odor germ-freezing waste bin. That’s right, zero odor - even with the lid open. It utilizes patent pending...

Sanitize Your Space

When we think about sanitizing, this is the picture that pops up in our head. We knew there had to be easier and convenient ways to execute this… that is when we found the Guilin Lampscape.  This is the modern face of space sanitation. It might look like...

Your New Friday Night Favorite

We hear you. We too are stuck at home scrolling through our phone’s gallery, reminiscing about the good old days before this whole pandemic began. We miss spending our Friday evenings going out, an unheard of proposition in our new normal. We were...

Get Lytte

With so many wireless earphones on the market today, sound quality isn’t the only factor to consider. In our search for the most ergonomic wireless earbuds, we found Lytte HarmoniQ. The unique design employed by the HarmoniQ team isn’t just for looks, it...

MasterChef Worthy Cookware

Community quarantine situation has been forcing each of us to look at the practical skills we excel at… and the ones that could do with some improvement. Having a rough time in the kitchen? Maybe it's not you though! It could just be is your tools. Neil...

Farewell Pooper Scooper

Taking care of a cat is relatively low maintenance compared to other animals, but cleaning out the litter box is always at the bottom of every cat owner’s to-do list. Circle Zero changes the game for cat parents! It is a zero-odor self-cleaning litter box...

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