Popcorn Gadget - The Latest Tech Trends

Your New Friday Night Favorite

Oct 23, 2020 | Blog

We hear you. We too are stuck at home scrolling through our phone’s gallery, reminiscing about the good old days before this whole pandemic began. We miss spending our Friday evenings going out, an unheard of proposition in our new normal. We were contemplating how we could revive the Friday night experience at home… that’s when we found the Nespresso of premium cocktails. 


Bartesian makes premium cocktails at the touch of a button. It works exactly like your coffee capsule machine, but instead brings your favorite cocktails to fruition! Bartesian capsules are created and balanced by expert mixologists and contain fresh, real ingredients like juices, bitters, and liquors. The machine mixes your capsule with your favorite spirit so you can sip a perfect drink every time.

A key feature we absolutely love is that you get to choose the strength of your beverage from mocktail to double, so no one gets left behind! We think this is essential for the perfect “Night In”. We would love to know what you are up to on your Friday night! Tag us on our Twitter or Instagram @popcorngadget. 

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