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Join the thousands of parents who want stress-free potty learning.
“I struggled with potty training with my first child. With my second child and the TotSquat System™, it took 3 days.”
– Stephanie, Mom
- 90% claimed 90%
TotSquat™ Potty
Training System:

The TotSquat™

Children’s board book: Go Potty with TotSquat

Parent “ages and stages” flashcards

Biodegradable liner bags
Squatting Is The Way To Go
The key phisycal milestone for potty independence:

Squatting is the anatomically correct way to eliminate.

Humans have instinctively squatted throughout time. In fact 1.2 billion people still squat today.

Once your child can walk and squat, they are ready for Totsquat™.

TotSquat™ uses the natural squatting position enabling immediate success.
With TotSquat™ You Will

Empower your child

Eliminate diapers sooner

Save time, money and sanity

Reduce your environmental impact
Effortless by Design
Ultra-low profile and small footprint. TotSquat™ is the most
easily accessible toddler potty, no help needed.

Low Rise
Allows the natural deep squat.

Narrow Base
Enables correct foot placement.

Functional Handles
Safe and fun way to master the squat.
Squat Safely
Feet flat on the ground means no foot stools, nosteps, no extra seats, and no worry.