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Superstrata Bike

Have you always wanted to get a bike but never knew where to start? There are SO many bikes out there that it can make the choice overwhelming. Sure you can narrow down your choices by deciding if you need your bike for trails, commuting, etc. but even then, there’s too many choices. Thankfully, Superstrata has created a fully customizable modular bike that can be exactly how you want it.

Superstrata has so many options when it comes to customizing, there are actually over 500,000 possible combinations. You can change things as simple as your style of handlebars, to something as finite as your power meter. With all these customizations, other bikes would be heavy and bulky, but on the Superstrata Tera, all of these parts connect to a lightweight 3D printed carbon fiber body.

While the Superstrata Terra bike isn’t the cheapest on the market, it definitely is the most customizable. If you’re the person who knows exactly what they want, exactly how they want it, then this is the bike for you.

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