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Wearable Air Purifier for
for Clean Air On the Go™

An airtight HEPA grade wearable air purifier with fan for safe ventilation. Filtration efficiency up to 99.972%.

Now Available at the CleanAirTek Store

For A Limited Time – Get 4 filters FREE with every order

Airtight Seal
& Ventilation

Net Weight
Less than 60z (170 g)

Cool & Dry Inside


Comfortable Use

3+ Hours Continuous
use on Rechargeable
AA Batteries


USB Power Input for
All-day Use &


Airtight Seal
& Ventilation

Net Weight
Less than 60z (170 g)

Cool & Dry Inside


Continuous Comfortable Use

3+ Hours Continuous use on Rechargeable AA Batteries


USB Power Input for All-day Use & Recharging


Extra Layer of Protection

For high risk environments such as medical facilities, the outflow air can optionally be filtered. This requires that an additional filter be placed over the interior outlet valve

100% Airtight

Every Wearable Air Purifier provides an airtight seal for most adults and older children. You can obtain an airtight seal using the medical grade adjustable fastening strips.

Charge It On The Go

Power your mask continuously using either two AA batteries (3+ hours), an external power source using the USB port.

Whisper Quiet Fan Operation

The Wearable Air Purifier works with or without the fan. The fan offers continuous operation with a cool, constant flow of air with an extremely low noise level.

Whisper Quiet Fan Operation

The Wearable Air Purifier works with or without the fan. The fan offers continuous operation with a cool, constant flow of air with an extremely low noise level

A Wearable Air Purifier HEPA Filters Compared to other mask

The Wearable Air Purifier’s HEPA filter will filter out up to 99.972% airborne particles with diameters as small as PM0.3, or 0.3 microns (1 micron = 0.000001 meter).


Air Travel, Smog, Medical Facilities, and More


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